Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Here is a website that validates my arguments as to why Mitsubishi is in the ehhh side with me: Yes this actual website exist. I have so many reasons as to why I should hate Mitsubishi.
List of Mitsubishi Car Problems I Know(Feel free to let me know what else you know):
Turbo Eclipse 2G Crankwalk
NonTurbo Eclipse 1995-1999 GS-RS Belt Squeal
Evo horrible clutch
Worst Part:
Yea they slaved Koreans during WWII to make stuff for them Corporations like Mitsubishi(Another reason for me to premanently hate them and every other Corporation on this list), NipponOil, Mitsui, and Kawasaki.
Let's try to use the whole Japanese Samurai Warrior culture to sell our shitty cars to the rest of the world that way they think that they are immensing themselves in Japanese culture yea!! JDM YO~!
Dream living room!
Monday, March 29, 2010
When your manager is away!
- You have all the chat with your friends whenever you want.
- You can go to the cafeteria anytime.
- Come late.
- Leave early.
- Nobody is there to nag about stuff you're already doing, still you'll do the same amount of tasks.
- You don't have to say "Amazing" or "Great Idea" and you're not even concvinced.
- Read Blogs, News papers, articles...etc without someone givving you the look!
- You don't have to lookt at the time when you have meetings outside.
- Wear casual stuff ratehr than Ghetra! or suits!
- Go to your upper Manager and show them that you really work hard.
- Surf the net and enjoy work.
- Have your conversation by mobile loudly.
- No Macro Management.
- Put on some music.
- Re-Gain your relations with your people.
If your manager is on leave, enjoy work. and when he's back. you go on a vacation. and that's called "Double Action bad-boss-not-around".
Sunday, March 28, 2010
CL7s Are Nice
Fabulously Priced
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Everyone Has A Porsche Story
It all started in 1994 when I relocated to America in 1994 I remember looking through my uncles books as a young tot being facinated by airplanes, survival guides, and combat training books. One book that particularly stood out for me was this car book. It was about 250-380 pages, covering Porsche,Ferraris,Alfa's, and Lamborgini's and all types of other European cars. The one car that stood out for me was the Porsche 911. I believe it was a Black 1989 model in the book. It was just so sleek and stylish. I couldn't even dare imagine the car with aftermarket rims or even an exhaust. All I can think about was how nice this vechicle is the way it comes off the factory.
Fast forward to now everytime I see a Porsche from the 1980s - 1996 era(Yes its a long stretch and I cant narrow it down) I am just amazed. This to me may be arguably the best styled car. It's like having a machine as a suit. It can be a formal street car and good time attacker. It retains class while looking like a bad boy. I don't know if anyone will even get what I am saying or I am just rambling about this era Porsche's. I Had my first encounter with one of these for the first time this year a few weeks ago and decided it was time to talk about it. Wish I took photos of that car. More pictures next time.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wait What Is That........
Trifling Hyundai's
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Altezza Blues
Ssang's car..
Monday, March 15, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Justin Bieber, un puşti ca oricare altul…
La doar 15 ani se suie la volan?
Sună ca o ştire cu un şmecheraş de România… Dar nu. Căci este vorba despre Justin Bieber, care a fost surprins, duminică, parcând un Ferrari F430 în faţa hotelului din Miami Beach.
O duce a naibii de bine puştanul. Se pupă cu Rihanna, conduce o maşină de 200.000 de dolari.
Ce urmează?
Kristen Stewart şi Dakota Fanning: BFFs
Premiera filmului The Runaways a avut loc zilele acestea în Los Angeles.
Cele două actriţe şi-au făcut apariţia pe covorul roşu îmbrăcate foarte feminin şi deloc rebele, aşa cum le vom vedea în rolul solistelor din trupa The Runaways.
Atât Kristen, cât şi Dakota au mărturisit că petrecând atât de mult timp împreună au ajuns să fie cele mai bune prietene.
Nu am jucat în prea multe filme cu persoane de vârsta mea ca să pot lega prietenii. Aşa că am fost entuziasmată de lucrul acesta şi nu-mi pot imagina pe nimeni altcineva mai potrivit pentru asta (n.n. Dakota Fanning), a spus Kristen.
Poate şi datorită sărutului din film!
Ce părere aveţi despre vestimentaţia fetelor?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Quote of the day!
Thunder Down Under
Photos at his website.
Be on the look out for an upclose and personal interview with him. Here's a few previews off his page. Check out t he rest at his blog.
Gas Prices On The Rise......
How much is gas for everyone else nationwide? I shouldn't complain. California nationwide, has crazy gas prices(correct me if I'm wrong).
Doar Pentru Fane!
La doar două zile de la lansarea piesei Never Let You Go şi la nicio lună după apariţie videoclipului Baby, Justin Bieber reapare pe internet cu o nouă melodie. De data aceasta este vorba de o colaborare cu Sean Kingston, rezultatul fiind piesa Eenie Meenie.
Cu siguranţă va ajunge un megahit, poate chiar mâine… La câte fane are puştiulică…
Ca stil este un pic diferit de melodiile cu care zăpăceşte puştoaicele turate la maxim de hormonii obraznici.
Lectie de Stil pentru Barbati!
Trei fraţi şi toţi trei extrem de stilaţi şi cu un look impecabil.
Aşa da!
Ziua în care se dau Oscarurile este şi ziua în care elita showbizului american scoate din dulap cele mai alese ţinute. Şi nu este doar cazul domniţelor cu talia de viespe, ci şi a distinşilor domni, care se împachetează la patru ace.
Jonas Brothers au fost mereu un punct de reper pentru cei în pas cu moda. La petrecerea de caritate de după Oscaruri, Elton John AIDSFoundation Oscar Party, cei trei băieţi au venit costumaţi ca la carte.
Luaţi exemplu de la ei!