Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dawn Run - Alwatan TV

Tonight we will go out @4:00 am along with Al-Watan TV since it has been so known that we go cruising along with supercars.

If anyone is interested, please e-mail me and I will try to arrange for a ride if you don't have a car.
Rules :
No Sedan cars
No noisy cars
No drifting

jump in and enjoy the ride :)


Hola´s a todas:

Bueno, bueno, que contenta estoy, ¿a qué no sabéis por qué?



  •     En la columna de la derecha hay un apartado que pone “The best designs for your blog”; y es que, diseño plantillas, gadgets, widgets, etc…Lo único que hacéis si queréis que os haga alguno es: pinchar en FORM LINK, cubres el formulario y listo, en dos días tienes hecho tu pedido.

  •     VOY A PUBLICAR: una receta de cocina, mi opinión sobre dos libros, mi opinión sobre una serie de TV muy conocida,recomendar una serie de TV, noticias sobre famosos, dos mascarillas, un apartado de f or f y por último un apartado de TEEN PROBLEMS.

  •    Y por último y no menos importante… voy a enseñaros cosas que compro en essence y esas cosas… a lo me hor y digo a lo me hor ( aunque está mal escrito) cuelgo un tutorial ¿de qué? No se… vosotras diréis.

  • Un besaZZo

Jakhoor Treat!

I was invited by a friend to Jakhoor (for non Arabic speakers – Jakhoor is a kuwaity word for a place that you keep life stocks, but it is not a farm)

And this friend is a also beside me! He got some animal friends. I remember when we used to be 13 or 14 he used to have a Falcon! One of those really expensive ones!
Then dogs!
Then huskies!
Then cats!
Then horses!

The place is so clean that you won’t think you’re in jakhoor! Except for the smell of the goats in their mating season! Ree7at el tais mo 9ij!
We had some BBQ nicely done, we fed the dogs! Without him knowing! :P

Then chay 3al fa7am!
It was Saturday and I couldn’t stay any longer since the time was 12am!

So I will share with you some of the pics.


Goat - Cat relation!

My interview with Bashar Al-Shatti

As you all might noticed from previous posts..
Bashar Al Shatti, The Kuwaiti Star. Loves and adores cars, bikes and anything that goes fast.

So I decided to do a quick interview with him since fans would love to know more.

The Stig : Hi
Bashar : Eshtaby yalla 9ar 7ar, khal enbalesh

The Stig : Ok take it easy!
Bashar : la la atghashmar :P

The Stig : What does cars and bikes mean to you ?
Bashar : A hobby – started when I was a kid, I used to own a bike and then it developed into a life style J

The Stig : What was your first car ever ?
Bashar : It was in 2001 A Mercedes CLK.

The Stig : What cars you used to own?
Bashar : Too many! I won’t mention them all akhaf ya7sedoony, but I used to own :
· Mercedes CLK
· Lamborghini Gallardo
· BMW M6
· Audi R8
· Mercedes G55
· Porsche Turbo
· And now a Ferrari F430

I have the full list bas mashalla ana akhaf ta7sedoona!

The Stig : Highest Top speed ever?
Bashar : 320 km/h in the Lamborghini Gallardo.

The Stig : If you’re driving in a road of your dream, who’s in the passenger seat! And what CD you’ll listen to ?
Bashar : Kim Kerdashian, and the CD is Boys to Men.

The Stig : Most stupid Ticket?
Bashar : My Lamborghini Gallardo was parked in a no-parking area by valet parking, the police officer wrote Ferrari instead of Lamborghini LOL!

The Stig : What is your dream car ?
Bashar : Pagani Zonda & Koneiggsegg

The Stig : Best car you owned!
Bashar : Audi R8

The Stig : Last word or advice for road users.
Bashar : Take care, and choose your road before you decide to press the throttle.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lamborghini Teasers completed

Lamborghini has been revealing only pictures of its newly developed car The 6th element.. Everybody including me were thinking it is the replacement of the Murceilago which is called Jota.

The pictures mislead us as the press told it is the new V12 being developed. Apparently is it not..
What a work of art Lamborghini Design Division has been doing lately :)


An idea can change your life.
But a man can change your ideas.
So always change your boyfriend to get new ideas.

Kaneda What.

Not really a fan of moto bikes but when  I do, I like them for aesthetic purposes.

Os parecería bien que os presentara productos de marcas como clinique, delilplus, essence... así como haciendo publicidad, pero sin recibir nada a cambio??

Dawn Run - 25/9/2010

This Dawn Run was a bit less crowded and only one malgoof!

We went out as usual before Dawn to the gathering point and we decided to change the route for the sake of change, and the weather was amazing. It was only 29 degrees in Beda’a, but once we reached the destination which is almost 80 kilometers away near the Kuwaiti-Saudi boarder (Nuwaiseeb) it was 25 degrees! 4 degrees change! Eshda3wa!

Anyway we were only few cars this time, cruising slowly with few races in between. The road was completely empty, except for this one Malgoof! A guy in Chevrolet Caprice! We had fun with they as he was following us. It seemed to me that it was the driver’s car and when he realized that we are going far away! He went back! We guessed that driver called him :P

We do stop next to Sultan Center and Nathan’s for water and chocolate, chat a bit. Then to the fuel station in Al-Zour where we can find Unleaded Ultra since all of our cars require this kind of fuel!

Then as usual we go back to Starbucks.. Coffee and fun..

Enjoy the pictures

Ferrari F430 Scuderia

Ferrari & a Merc

Corvette ZO6

Lady Gaga during high school

Now wonder she has no taste in clothes till now :P

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cars of Celebrities

Anne Hathaway
Audi A5

Only In Qatar

This Qatari guy thinks he is risking his life by visiting weddings ?

Then just stop visiting :P


Monday, September 27, 2010

حي على الصلاة - P2BM

I am proud to be Muslim.

Bin Laden does not represent me.
shako :P


En el margen tenéis dos encuestas, porfavor, votad, es muy importante!! Si tenéis alguna duda acerca de belleza, piel, buylling etc. podéis ponerlo en los comentarios.Un beso.




I have been to Kubbar Island few weeks back, I am not going to talk about it since most of you know Kubbar and the whole package :P

But, on the way back I was promised to pass by some new things that will shock me, and it will shock you as well.
We need an expert in the Oil Sector to explain this as I failed to know.

This is some melted iron leftover from an artificial island destroyed by the Iraqi Army in 1990

This is a full view of the Island

Completely destroyed!
another view

Now that’s not destroyed, but it was in the middle of nowhere..
Can someone tell me what’s this!
It was so huge and I think in a dark night small boats will hit it unless it has some lights..



Sunday, September 26, 2010



¿CUÁNTOS HERMANOS/AS TIENE MILEY? ( incluídos hermanastros/as)

      La respuesta la tendréis el viernes, y es más dificil de lo que parece... o no :P

F or F

Para las que no conozcáis esta sección se trata de decir si el atuendo de un famoso es FASHION o FRIKI o lo que es lo mismo, hortera. En esta ocasión se van a enfrentar dos chicas: Miley y Katy. Tenéis que decidir quien se llevará la corona de la  Frikimania ( de fashion no hay porque obviamente ninguna de las dos lo es).

Comentad please ; )


¿A Justin Bieber le ha picado el mosquito “se me sube la fama a la cabeza” o qué?

Esto lo preguntan las miles de fans del cantante después de ver el video donde se lo montaba daba un par de besos con Jasmine Villegas ( la prota del vídeo Baby).

Las fans casi descuartizan a Kim Kardashian por decir que se había enamorado de Justin, con Emma Watson más de lo mismo después de que el cantante declarara que no le importaría que fueran novios… y ahora… ¡esto!

¿Qué opinais? ¿Está haciendo rabiar a las fans o está desesperadisimo por encontrar novia?

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Difference between complete and finished?
If you have a beautiful girlfriend, life is complete.
If your wife finds out, you’re finished.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hola chicas, notición

Voy a cerrar el blog hoy, reaparición, mañana a la tarde, no cierro, reabro, y con más fuerza que nunca, hacedme publi plzz

Dawn Run - 17/9/2010 - Part 3 - Kuwait Towers

Part 3 for the RUN was the spin on the Gulf Road from Starbucks el Beda’a.
It was nice, no non-sense speeding while people using the road.

Many people followed us to take pictures and vids.

Just enjoy some of what I’ve captured through my humble lens :)


“Sé que hay gente a la que le gusta esa atención, pero yo no soy una de ellas. Los paparazzis realmente me frustran, y confieso que me molesta que me sigan personas que no conozco de nada a los sitios”


                                      MILEY CYRUS NO VIVE CON LIAM HEMSWORTH
“Ni siquiera sé de dónde viene’. ‘Eso ha sido un rumor desde que estuve con mi primer novio. La gente siempre ha sido así, ‘Miley vive con su novio’ y no es así, ‘Yo vivo en casa con mi mamá”.

Ah, y por cierto, respecto a los rumores de su boda ha declarado "¿Casarme? Oh, cielos, solo tengo 17 años, aún no he cumplido la mayoría de edad... como voy a estar pensando en casarme?


"GIVING YOU UP" la nueva canción de Miley DE  LA PELI LOL



Resultó que un chico de 14 años nada más proveniente de Australia, el cuál era un turista en USA había hecho aquella mañana un tour acerca de las casas de las celebrities que habitaban por el lugar. Y que pasó?? apuntó la dirección de Miley y se puso  a merodear por la mansión.Pues la policía, que andaba por allí, le confundió con un ladrón ( hay que ser tonto...) lo llevaron a comisaria y luego de un interrogatorio lo llevaron al hotel donde se hospedaba su familia. No se le reportaron cargos.

También nos informan de que la maquilladora de Miley ha dicho que fueron a un restaurante Katsuya ocupando la "Dragon Room" y que se les ha visto muy acarameladitos, por lo que parece que la ruptura ha sido solo un pequeño percance

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

 Dentro de 2 horas, maratón de otr@famos@, comentad plzz


Hola a todos, he puesto en la Cbox que iba a cerrar el blog, y ciertamente no sé si hacerlo o no. He perdido seguidoras, Miss Cullen y Pisky, entre otras se han pirado : S, ¡¡No sé que hacer!! 

La gente ya no me visita tanto como antes, parece que el rendimiento del blog se va a pique y yo sola no puedo con todo. Quizás me vaya y cierre el blog, lo siento mucho por Belinda. Pero ( voy a hacer chantaje) si tuviera 20 seguidores y algún que otro colaborador... 

Cómo ser colaborador:

  •  simplemente tienes que tener internet, correo electrónico y ganas ; )
  • Si tienes una cuenta de blogger el colaborador lo único que haría es adjuntarse y así el blog sería de ambas, pudiendo publicar él mismo.
  • Si no, preparas noticias y las mandas a mi e-mail y yo las cuelgo.
                                                                                               uN BESSAZZO


If women ruled the world, there would be no wars. Just a bunch of jealous countries not talking to each others.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Stern Wheels

Basically I've been trying to find out as much about Stern wheels. They went under a few years ago and I cant find anything in their catalog. All I know is they were with Golden Apple Corporation, the last few years they were around the production of their rims weren't from being produced in Japan but to Taiwan. So what has happened to them and where can I find their old rims? They made decent stuff.

Stern St8s 17x8.5 +3. Cool car by the way!!

 la versión remix de "Round and round" 

Dawn Run 17/9/2010 part2 - el Malageef

Every Dawn Run we used to do, there will be some malageef people to follow us for the sake of following. I personally don’t blame them, cuz if I were cruising with no aim, I would do the same.
Imagine having nothing to do, see cars like Carrera GT, Mercedes-McLaren SLR’s and Ferraris and Porsches cruising on an empty road at 4 am! I really don’t blame them!

But then, there’s the ones that are making troubles and blocking our way when we stop for few illegal street drag racing!
How come you block the way for cars doing 280+ km/h!!!

So here I post some pictures of dumb car-lovers through my 7asafa 3aleha humble lens :P

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Track To Street



Pink Stig!

Please note that we are not related what so ever, and she is not my wife :P

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dawn Run - 17/9/2010

Why do I love weekends!
Because I have lots of hidden plans!
I don’t go and plan every moment of my life.
I thank god everyday for hiding our future from us.

On Friday Dawn, we had our Dawn Run, From Strabucks el bede’a to the far side of 6th ring road. Near Bubyan Island.
The cars were amazing.
The weather was amazing.
The temperature was 28 to 32 max.
Our average cruising speed was 180 to 200 km/h
Then we stop at one of the bridges and whoever wanna race, has to go to another bridge for a U-Turn and they pass us below the bridge so no one will get involved in accidents.
7emdella, as usual. This is almost our 40th RUN and still no accidents so far.

Wait for the next post for Malageef of the RUN.
to Vain :P
Enjoy the pictures from my humble lens J


Same but different.